
Digital Healthcare

KT Digital Healthcare Platform. Patient and Doctor in Charge are connected in Provide timely healthcare service, Doctor in Charge and Doctor in Collaboration are connected in Real-time Collaboration (Mobile Video Conference+ Diagnosis Data). Patient is connected Immediate Diagnosis on the spot with Mobile Healthcare Devices. Doctor in Charge gets Diagnosis Date(Mobile Device) and Instant readout result(AI Solution).
                    Mobile Healthcare Devices(Sonography, Blood Tester, Stethoscope, ophthalmo scope, X-ray, Urine Tester, Blood Pressure Meter, Cardiac Monitoring Device, Blood Glucose Monitoring Device), AI Solution(Chest X-ray, Fundus oculi image, Expecting Cardioplegy). Covering 100% of medical check-up service (except MRI, CT, Auditory Acuity, EGD), integrated management and analysis.