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KT About KT

Our Company

KT has been leading the development of the
information and communications industry
of Korea since its foundation in 1981.


AI Transformation Partner Making a Better Future for Customers

Core Values

View KT history
  • Customer Value
  • Excellence
  • Practical Outcome
  • Togetherness

CEO Message

KT CEO Young Shub Kim Picture
As South Korea’s leading company in telecommunication and ICT industry, KT has always been most closely connected with our customers.

Based on our expertise in AI, big data and cloud computing as key technologies for digital transformation, KT is the reliable partner for enhancing our customers’ lifestyle and increasing the competitiveness of companies.

KT will do our best to become "The No. 1 partner in ICT sector for the customer innovation and growth." To this end, we are strengthening our core businesses of telecommunication and ICT services and improving our technological competency.

As the company constantly uncovering differentiated customer value, as the company best supporting and delivering the ICT innovation that customers want, and as the company leading future change based on sturdy communications and ICT expertise, KT continues to go all out for our customers. I ask for your continued interest and support in our endeavors.

KT CEO Young Shub Kim
